PW3 – Pkt Web Wallet Wrapper

Introducing PW3 (Pkt Wallet Web Wrapper)


PW3 is an extension for the official PKT CLI Wallet that was started with the intention of providing a visual interface while retaining full functionality of the cli wallet.

The software is powered by NodeJS & is available to be configured as a host on all platforms that support running both NodeJS & The PKT CLI Wallet.


PW3 has two simple goals:

  • Simplicity
  • Accessibility

PW3 was envisioned to enable as many devices as possible to control / administrate a pkt wallet, we chose the official pkt cli wallet as the underlying block chain wallet mechanism due to it’s wide feature set & consistent software stability. Many users often prefer the cli wallet but find the lack of visual features to be off-putting, PW3 aims to change that.


PW3 only needs to run on a single device, you can potentially view it on any device with a web browser.

The primary transmission technologies are web based (http & websockets).

PW3 is intended to be ran on a closed network space, I.E behind a VPN (& or) Reverse Web Proxy with access control lists.

  • Graphical interface
  • Automatic / Manual Folding support
  • Localized content focus (your data, your machine, all data is aimed at being stored on the same machine hosting the wallet)
  • PKT Sending Wizard
  • Wallet address generation
  • QOL Fixes & Error handling extending beyond CLI

Get PW3

Check out the Installing PW3 guide, PW3 is released under the MIT License, available through GitHub

The project is maintained by Triii Technologies LLC as an open source initiative, community contributions are welcomed and wholly encouraged, you can find more information on the GitHub page.


Professional support will be available for power users or business entities with an interest in the project.
Please address all software issues to:
Community based support (Suggestion, bugs, upgrades, errors) is planned by way of community support forum.